A galaxy is a huge system of of stars and solar system containing millions or billions of them. The name of our galaxy is "Milky Way".
Our Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy containing over 100 billion stars. The spiral disk of stars, gas, and dust is about 100,000 light-years across and 2,000 light-years thick — flatter than a pancake. The central bulge of stars is elongated in the shape of a bar.
Galaxies show a range of shapes that astronomers group into three basic classes: spiral, elliptical, and irregular.

Most galaxies have black holes at their centers that can produce a tremendous amount of energy, which astronomers can see over great distances. In some cases, a galaxy’s central black hole is extremely large or active, even in relatively small galaxies. Material circling the black hole may be accelerated outward by its jets. Other galaxies may contain quasars — the most energetic bodies in the universe — at their core.
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