Binary Star:-

 Double Star, a pair of closely-spaced stars that to the unaided eye usually appear as a single star. The pair is called an optical double if the two stars seem to be close together only because of their alignment as seen from earth. A true double star is called a binary star, or binary system.

binary star,  stars,  binary star rap, types of binary stars,  multiple star systems, binary star system facts,  planetary systemBinary stars are two stars orbiting a common centre of mass. The brighter star is officially classified as the primary star, while the dimmer of the two is the secondary (classified as A and B respectively). In cases where the stars are of equal brightness, the designation given by the discoverer is respected. Binary pairs can be classified based on their orbit. Wide binaries are stars that have orbits that keep them spread apart from one another. These stars evolve separately, with very little impact from their companions. They may have once contained a third star, which booted the distant companion outward while eventually having been ejected themselves.
Close binaries, on the other hand, evolve nearby, able to transfer their mass from one to the other. The primaries of some close binaries consume the material from their companion, sometimes exerting a gravitational force strong enough to pull the smaller star in completely. 
There is a star system 146 light-years from Earth that is quite strange. At its centre is a set of binary stars and around that loops another binary pair. In between is a ring of dust and gas that’s set at a very odd angle.
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The dust and gas of this system, which is called HD 98800, are part of a disc that may be forming planets in a kind of cosmic nursery. Instead of lying on the same plane as the central stars, this disc’s orbit is perpendicular to that

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