Quasi Star:-

The temperatures of a Quasi-star is around 4,000 Kelvin which to put in context might seem hot. The Sun's temperature is a mere 5,778 Kelvin so Quasi-stars for all their size are actually cooler than the Sun. The hottest known star is Foramen.
A Quasi-star could be as large as 10 billion kilometres or roughly larger than 7,000 times the radius of the Sun. 10 billion kilometres is equivalent to roughly 67 A.U. To put that in context, Pluto is about 40 A.U. from the Sun. One A.U. or Astronomical Unit is the distance from the Sun to the Earth.
The New Horizons probe took 10 years to get from Earth to Pluto, it would roughly take another 5 years to reach the outside of the Quasi-star if it was trying to escape one. The New Horizons probe is the fastest probe that we have sent out into the far reaches out of Solar System. Even with the speed it is going, New Horizons will not encounter another solar system once it leaves our for hundreds of thousands of years.
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