Devil Particle aka Satan Particle - A Curse Or A Boon | Information And Facts

Devil Particle, Satan particle, PentaquarkDevil Particle: 

According to modern representations, all elementary particles consist of small objects that physicists call quarks. Protons, neutrons and other heavy particles called baryons contain three quarks. Their smaller cousins, the so-called mesons, contain two elements – the up quark and the antiquark, the basic component of antimatter.

In principle, existing physical theories do not exclude the possibility that there may exist elementary particles, consisting of four or even five quarks of different flavour or colour. But scientists began to find evidence of the existence of such particles, tetraquark and pentaquark.

On  Tuesday, 30 March 2010, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN performed its first high-energy collision of proton beams, and scientists were excited to finally be doing real physics with the fifteen-year-old project. But the celebration and excitement quickly turned to confusion Tuesday as unexpected results quickly emerged from the first experiment.
What the researchers found was a large particle, many times larger than a proton, that was unlike anything they had ever seen. Dr Franklin went on to say, “We knew something was wrong when we noticed tiny little horns on it, and it was flourishing a small red cape.”

Despite the high degree of confidence in the opening nine Sigma, many physicists doubted whether these devilish particles actually. The fact that a number of scholars have suggested that in fact, they represent a kind of molecule from one baryon and meson, not a single particle of the five quarks. The authors themselves open to allow such a possibility.

Devil Particle, Satan particle, Pentaquark
Using new and old observations made with the LHC, LHCb collaboration re-analyzed the data collected by its detector, and showed that pentaquark Pc(4450) and Pc(4380) do exist and that lambda particles, the decay of which they are formed, can not be converted into the final products of their decomposition, bypassing the stage of decay of the pentaquark and one meson. This meson, as shown by new data from the LHC obtained in the past and this year can be not only Cass, wrote scientists in the past year, but another type of meson, the pion.

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